Art. 1. These general conditions are intended to regulate the relations between " Anahas " EOOD ", EIK 202584463, with headquarters and address of management: Sofia, p.k. 1303, Vazrazhdane district, "Antim I" street No. 61, floor 1, apartment 3 , hereinafter referred to for short as SUPPLIER , and the customers, hereinafter referred to as USER AND/OR CONSUMER , of the e-commerce platform SHOPCHETA.COM, hereinafter referred to as “ SHOPCHETA ” .


Art. 2. Information according to the Electronic Commerce Act and the Consumer Protection Act:

  1. Name of the Supplier: " Anahas " EOOD
  2. Headquarters and address of management: Sofia, p.k. 1303, Vazrazhdane district, "Antim I" street No. 61, floor 1, apartment 3
  3. Address for exercising the activity and address for submitting complaints by users: Sofia, " Manevo Bardo" St. No. 7, fl. 1, apartment 4
  4. Correspondence information: Sofia, " Manevo Bardo" St. No. 7, fl. 1, apartment 4
  5. Entry in public registers: EIK 202584463
  6. Supervisory authorities:

(1) Commission for the Protection of Personal Data
Address: Sofia, "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2, phone: (02) 940 20 46 fax: (02) 940 36 40
Email :,

(2) Consumer Protection Commission
Address: 1000 Sofia, "Slaveikov" Square №4A, floors 3, 4 and 6,
phone : 02 / 980 25 24 fax: 02 / 988 42 18 hotline: 0700 111 22 Website:



Art. 3. SHOPCHETA.COM is an e-commerce platform, accessible at the Internet address, through which Users have the opportunity to conclude contracts for the purchase and sale and delivery of the goods offered by the Supplier on the platform, including the following :

  1. Register and create a profile to view the Provider's online store and use the additional services to provide information;
  2. To review the goods, their characteristics, prices and terms of delivery;
  3. To enter into contracts with the Supplier for the purchase and sale and delivery of the goods offered by the SHOPCHETA.COM platform;
  4. To make any payments in connection with the concluded contracts, incl. through electronic means of payment.
  5. To receive information about new goods offered by the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform;
  6. To make electronic statements in connection with the conclusion or execution of contracts with the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform through the interface of the SHOPCHETA.COM page available on the Internet;
  7. To be notified of the rights arising from the law, primarily through the interface of the SHOPCHETA.COM platform on the Internet;
  8. To exercise their right of withdrawal, where applicable, under the Consumer Protection Act.

Art. 4. The supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform organizes the delivery of the goods and guarantees the rights of the Users provided for by law, within the framework of good faith, accepted in practice, consumer or commercial law criteria and conditions.

Art. 5. (1) Users conclude a contract for the purchase and sale of the goods with the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform, at the address The contract is concluded in Bulgarian and is stored in the database of the Supplier in the platform.

(2) Pursuant to the contract concluded with the Users for the purchase and sale of goods, the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform undertakes to organize the delivery and transfer of ownership to the User of the goods specified by him through the interface on the platform. Users have the right to correct errors when entering information no later than sending the statement on concluding the contract to the Provider on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

(3) Users shall pay the Provider of the SHOPCHETA.COM platform remuneration for the delivered goods according to the conditions set out in the SHOPCHETA.COM platform and these general terms and conditions. The reward is equal to the price announced on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform. In the event of a technical error in the price, the Supplier immediately informs the User of the correct price of the product and has the right to refuse an order placed due to the incorrect writing of its real price.

(4) To place an order for some of the products on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform, the User must pay an advance deposit in an amount determined by the Supplier. In the event that a product falls within the scope of the previous sentence, the User will be informed of this before placing an order for the product in question, through an information inscription on the product page on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

Art. 6. (1) The User and the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform agree that all statements between them in connection with the conclusion and execution of the sales contract can be made electronically and through electronic statements within the meaning of the Law on Electronic document and the electronic signature and Art. 11 of the Electronic Commerce Act.

(2) It is assumed that the electronic statements made by the Users of the site were made by the persons indicated in the data provided by the User during registration, if the User has entered the corresponding name and password for access.



Art. 7. (1) In order to use SHOPCHETA.COM to conclude contracts for the purchase and sale of goods, the User should enter a name and password of his choice for remote access, with which he is deemed to have accepted these general terms and conditions. Acceptance of these general terms and conditions is carried out upon finalization of each order by the User.

(2) The name and password for remote access are determined by the User, by performing an online registration on the Supplier's website on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform, in accordance with the procedure specified therein.

(3) By filling in his data in the user basket and pressing the "Finish the order" button, the User declares that he is familiar with these general conditions, agrees with their content and undertakes to unconditionally comply with them.

(4) The Supplier confirms the order made by the User by e-mail. An account of the User is created and contractual relations arise between him and the Provider.

(5) When registering or placing an order, the User undertakes to provide correct and up-to-date data. The user undertakes to promptly update the data specified in his registration or order in the event of a change.



Art. 8. (1) Users primarily use the interface of the Supplier's page on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform to conclude contracts for the purchase and sale of the goods offered by the suppliers on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

(2) In cases of ordering goods without registration by the User, the latter accepts these general terms and conditions at the moment of finalizing the order.

Art. 9. Users conclude the contract for the purchase and sale of goods on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform according to the following procedure:

(1) Login to the system for placing orders on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

(2) Selecting one or more of the goods offered by the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform and adding them to a list of goods for purchase.

(3) Provision of the necessary data for the identification of the User as a party to the contract.

(4) Provision of delivery data;

(5) Choice of method and moment of payment of the price.

(6) Order Confirmation;



Art. 10. (1) The Supplier and the Users conclude separate contracts for the purchase and sale of the goods requested by the Users, regardless of the fact that they are selected with one electronic statement and from one list of goods for purchase.

(2) The supplier may organize together and simultaneously the delivery of the goods ordered with the separate sales contracts.

(3) The rights of the Users in relation to the delivered goods are exercised separately for each resale contract. The exercise of rights in relation to delivered goods does not affect and has no effect in relation to contracts for resale of other goods. In the event that the User has the status of a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, the exercise of the right of withdrawal from the resale contract of a certain product does not affect the resale contracts of the other goods delivered to the user. Users benefit from a legal guarantee of compliance of the goods with the sales contract.

(4) In the case of delivery of goods that are delivered as a promotional item together with other goods in a set, the rules for delivery and return of the relevant set, as announced in the product profile in the electronic store, shall apply with priority.

Art. 11. When exercising the rights under the sales contract, the User is obliged to specify precisely and unequivocally the contract and the goods in respect of which he exercises the rights.

Art. 12. (1) The user can pay the price for the individual sales contracts at once when placing the order for the goods or upon their delivery.

(2) With regard to goods that are supplied on a promotional basis together with other goods in a set, the price for the set applies only in its entirety and is inseparable for individual goods in the set.

(3) In the event that the Supplier accepts the return of one product from a set under para. 2, The User has the right to be reimbursed an amount for the returned goods from the set, which is proportional to the ratio between the prices of the goods from the set in the Supplier's electronic store when they are not offered in a set with each other.



Art. 13. The rules of this section VII of these general conditions apply only to Users who, according to the data specified for the conclusion of the purchase and sale contract or during the registration at SHOPCHETA.COM, it can be concluded that they are users in the sense of the Consumer Protection Act , the Electronic Commerce Act, the Act on the Provision of Digital Content and Digital Services and the Sale of Goods and/or Directive 2011/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011.

Art. 14. (1) The main characteristics of the goods offered by the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform are defined in the profile of each product on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

(2) The price of the goods including all taxes and fees is determined by the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform in the profile of each product on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

(3) The value of the postal or transport costs, not included in the price of the goods, is determined by the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform and is provided as information to the Users when selecting the goods for concluding the sales contract and before finalizing the order.

In case of non-receipt by the User of the sent goods more than once, the Supplier reserves the right to:

- charges transport costs for the User with each subsequent order;

- not to grant the right to refuse purchased goods for a period of more than 14 days;

- not to provide gifts to the User's next orders;

- to refuse the "Price Protection", in case the User invokes it.

(4) The methods of payment, delivery and execution of the contract are defined in the present general conditions and the information provided to the User through the mechanisms in the SHOPCHETA.COM platform .

(5) The information provided to the Users under this article is current at the time of its visualization on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform before the conclusion of the sales contract.

(6) Users agree that all information required by the Consumer Protection Act and the Act on the provision of digital content and digital services and the sale of goods can be provided through the SHOPCHETA.COM platform interface or e-mail.

Art. 15. (1) The user agrees that the suppliers on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform have the right to accept advance payment for the contracts concluded with the user for the purchase and sale of goods and their delivery.

(2) The User chooses independently whether to pay the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform the price for the delivery of the goods before or at the time of their delivery.

(3) In the event that the value of the User's order is equal to or exceeds BGN 10,000, payment shall be made only by transfer or payment to the Supplier's payment account.

Art. 16. (1) The User has the right, without owing compensation or a penalty and without stating a reason, to withdraw from the concluded contract within 30 days from the date of acceptance of the goods by the Supplier through the single contract withdrawal form available on the Supplier's website on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform at in Appendix No. 1 to these general terms and conditions . Information on exercising the right of withdrawal is available in Appendix No. 2 to these general terms and conditions .

(2) The right of refusal under para. 1 does not apply in the following cases:

1 . for the provision of services where the service is fully provided when the contract provides for an obligation for the user to pay and performance has begun with the user's express prior consent and confirmation that he knows he will lose his right of withdrawal once the contract is performed entirely by the merchant;

2 . for the supply of goods or services, the price of which depends on the fluctuations of the financial market, which cannot be controlled by the merchant and which may occur during the period for exercising the right of withdrawal;

  1. for the delivery of goods made to the order of the user or according to his individual requirements;
  2. for the delivery of goods which, due to their nature, may deteriorate in quality or have a short shelf life, such as food, beverages and nutritional supplements;
  3. for the delivery of sealed goods that have been unsealed after delivery and cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection (such as earplugs, squishy toys, clothes, etc. ) ;
  4. for the delivery of goods which, after being delivered and due to their nature, have mixed with other goods from which they cannot be separated;
  5. where the user has explicitly requested the trader to visit him at his home in order to carry out urgent repair or maintenance activities; where, during such a visit, the trader provides other services in addition to those requested by the consumer, or supplies goods other than the spare parts necessary to carry out the repair or maintenance, the right of refusal applies to these additional services or goods;
  6. for the supply of sealed audio or video recordings or sealed computer software that has been unprinted after delivery, including activation codes for software licenses, functions in software or virtual means of payment. The performance of the contract for the supply of sealed sound or video recordings or sealed computer software (including content codes and digital content not on a physical medium) that are printed after delivery begins from the moment of printing and the user loses his right of withdrawal , expressly agreeing to this.
  7. for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts for the delivery of such publications;
  8. concluded during a public auction;
  9. for the provision of accommodation services that are not intended for living, transport of goods, car rental, catering services or the provision of services related to entertainment activities, if the contract stipulates a specific date or deadline for implementation;
  10. for the provision of digital content that is not provided on a physical medium, when the performance has begun and the contract obliges the user to pay, in cases where: a) the user has given his express prior consent to start the performance during the withdrawal period ; b) the user has confirmed that he knows that in this way he will lose his right of withdrawal; c) the merchant has provided confirmation pursuant to Art. 48, para. 2 or Art. 49, para. 8 of the PPE. By accepting these GTC and by placing an order, the user expressly gives his prior consent to start the implementation and knows that he will lose his right of refusal in the sense of this point.;

(3) When the supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform has not fulfilled its obligations to provide information, defined in the Consumer Protection Act, the User has the right to withdraw from the concluded contract within a period of up to one year and 14 days, starting from the date of receiving the goods. When the information is provided to the user within the opt-out period, the same begins to run from the date of its provision. The user has the right to make the opt-out statement under this article directly to the Provider through the single contract opt-out form available on the Provider's website on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform as Appendix No. 1 to these general terms and conditions.

(4) When the User has exercised his right to withdraw from the contract at a distance or from the contract off-premises, the Supplier shall refund all sums received from the user without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the date on which was notified of the consumer's decision to withdraw from the contract and in the event that he has already received back the goods subject to the contract. The supplier refunds the amounts received by bank transfer, unless the consumer has expressed his express consent to use another means of payment, and this sentence applies in the event that the right of withdrawal is exercised within 14 days of receipt of the goods and the goods is sent back to the Supplier within this 14-day period. In the event that the right of withdrawal is exercised after the 14th day of receipt of the goods and/or the goods are sent back to the Supplier after the 14th day of receipt by the User, until the 30th day of receipt, the goods paid for amounts are refunded only in the form of a credit in the User's personal profile on the Provider's website or by issuing a voucher in the name of the User. In the event that the user wishes to have the sums of the cancellation of the Contract exercised within 14 days of receipt of the goods reimbursed by postal order/money transfer, the service fee charged by the respective courier/postal operator is at the expense of user and is determined by the courier/postal operator. The provider cannot influence this fee, does not determine it and does not benefit from it in any way.
In the event that the goods, for which the consumer has canceled the concluded contract within 14 days of receiving the goods, was paid for by card, the refund of the amount paid is made only to the same card with which it was paid.

(5) When exercising the right of refusal, the costs of returning the delivered goods shall be borne by the consumer on the basis of Art. 55, para. 2 PPE. The Supplier has no obligation to reimburse the additional costs for the initial delivery of the goods when the user has expressly chosen a method of delivery of the goods other than the free standard delivery offered by the Supplier.

(6) The User undertakes to store the goods received from the Supplier in the platform and to ensure the preservation of their quality and safety during the period under para. 1.

(7) The User may exercise his right to withdraw from the contract with the Supplier by making a written statement to the Supplier using the standard contract withdrawal form available at https://www. S on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform in Appendix No. 1 to these general terms and conditions. The goods should be sent without cash on delivery, to the address of the Supplier, namely, the city of Sofia, " Manevo Bardo" St. No. 7, fl. 1, apartment 4. Goods sent with cash on delivery will not be accepted by the Supplier.

(8) When the supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform has not offered to collect the goods himself, he can withhold payment of the sums to the user until he receives the goods or until the user provides proof that he has sent the goods back, depending on which of the two happened earlier.

(9) In case of delivery of goods that are delivered together with other goods in a set (so-called bundle goods), when exercising the User's right of refusal under this article and the requirements of the Consumer Protection Act, the User should return the complete set as received and in commercial form. In the event that some of the goods that are part of the bundle product are not subject to return according to the regulations, the User agrees that the entire bundle product is not subject to return.

(10) Regardless of the above hypotheses, the User undertakes to return the goods in commercial form. Commercial type means a type that allows the subsequent sale of the goods as new. The unpacking of the goods should not have led to an obvious violation of the commercial appearance of the goods. In the case of a damaged commercial appearance of the goods, the Supplier has the right, at its discretion, to refuse to accept a withdrawal from the contract or to charge the User the costs of restoring the goods in a commercial appearance. According to Art. 55, para. 4 of the PPE, the User is responsible for the reduced value of the goods caused by testing them other than what is necessary to establish their nature, characteristics and good functioning.

(11) In the case of exercising the right of withdrawal under this article, it is considered that the User has also exercised the right of withdrawal in relation to the bonus content belonging to the goods.

(12) The right of refusal also applies to books, only if there are no signs of use on the book and it is in a preserved commercial form, and if the book was wrapped in foil - the packaging has not been opened. The performance of the contract for a purchased book begins from the moment of printing, in which case the user loses the right of withdrawal and the user expressly agrees to this.

(13) When returning the product, the User undertakes to return it together with the complete set received, as well as all accompanying documents - receipt, invoice, receipt-handover report, warranty card (if any have been issued).

(14) When returning the goods, the User undertakes to return all the gifts he received together with the ordered goods, in case they were sent by the Supplier.

(15) In the case of a purchase made by a legal entity, the provisions of the Law on Obligations and Contracts shall apply, derogating from these General Terms and Conditions.



Art. 17. (1) The term of delivery of the goods is determined for each good separately when concluding the contract with the user through the Supplier's website on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform. For each specific product, the User is notified immediately before finalizing the order on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform approximately how many days it will take to deliver it. The days required for delivery indicated on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform are indicative and the Supplier does not guarantee them, but guarantees that it will do everything possible to deliver the goods within the specified days.

(2) In the event that the User and the Supplier in the SHOPCHETA.COM platform have not determined a delivery time, the delivery time of the goods is 30 calendar days, counted from the date following the sending of the user's order to the Supplier through the Supplier's site in the SHOPCHETA platform .COM.

(3) If the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform cannot fulfill the contract due to the fact that he does not have the ordered goods, he is obliged to notify the user and refund the amounts paid by him. In these cases, the Supplier could not be held responsible to the extent that it notified the User of the depleted quantities.

(4) The supplier may refuse to process the order when there are reasonable doubts that the order is inauthentic, including that it does not come from the User described in the same or when the product requested with the order is temporarily unavailable due to depletion of quantities or other technical reasons, in which case the Provider notifies the User by email or phone and refunds the amounts paid by him. The supplier can also refuse to process an order when the number or volume of the ordered items exceeds their usual consumption by a customer-consumer in the sense of the PPE and there is reason to believe that the order is made for the purpose of resale and does not fall within the scope of a consumer purchase. sale.

(5) In case of inaccurate data provided by the User, regarding delivery address and telephone number or absence of the User at the address, as well as in case of impossibility to deliver the goods due to reasons beyond the Supplier's control, the goods are returned and remain in the Supplier's warehouses. In this case, the goods are not kept for the User, unless paid for in advance. In the case of pre-paid goods, the same is kept within a period of 15 days from its return, and after the expiration of this period and if the User does not request it from the Supplier, the Supplier will return the payment received, with the exception of the amount spent on delivery and storage. In case of inaccurate or wrong data provided by the User for the delivery address, in which case the goods are sent to the wrong address, the costs of the courier service for rerouting the shipment are at the expense of the User.

(6) In the event that the goods are not delivered to the User within the specified delivery period, no compensation is due to the User. Reasons that would delay delivery beyond the days indicated on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform are: load and number of orders for the period above average and above usual for the Supplier; fault of the courier company such as untimely organization of the courier, excessive workload of the courier, unforeseeable technical and informational problems with the courier or weather conditions impeding the courier; unforeseeable technical problems in the Provider's systems; faults in the suppliers of the Supplier, from which the latter supplies the product; bad weather conditions etc. force majeure circumstances that would prevent the normal organizational activity of the Supplier.

(7) In all cases, the Supplier guarantees and undertakes to deliver the goods to the User no more than 15 working days later than the approximate delivery days indicated on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

(8) For products with an individual or total value of BGN 8 or less, which fall under the "Plus products" program, the Supplier may refuse to accept the order. In the event that a product or products fall under the "Plus products" program and their total value is equal to or below BGN 8 in the sense of the previous sentence, the User will be notified via a message on the platform and will be prevented from placing an order. To place the order, the User must add a product or products, the total value of which is at least BGN 8.

(9) Delivery is made to the User's door only if the total weight of the shipment (with all its components and parts) does not exceed 15 kg. In the event that the total weight of the shipment exceeds 15 kg, the delivery is made to the ground floor of the specified address.

(10) In the event that there is no car access to the address indicated for delivery, the delivery is made to the place that the street allows as the final and closest point to the delivery address.

Art. 18. The Supplier informs the User of the transport and courier costs immediately before completing the order, and the cost of delivery may vary according to the product, method and delivery address selected by the User. In case of additional forwarding of an already requested order by the User or in case of a need to visit the requested address again, the User shall pay the price of the delivery in amounts determined according to the tariff of the respective courier. The conditions for free delivery, if any, do not apply in the event that the User requests a visit to an address at a time or range of the day specified by him.

Art. 19. (1) The User must inspect the goods at the time of delivery and handover by the courier and if it does not meet the requirements or has visible breaks and defects, refuse to accept it from the courier and notify the Supplier immediately on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform .

(2) If the User does not refuse the goods from the courier and does not notify the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform according to para. 1, the goods are considered to be approved as conforming to the requirements, except for hidden defects.

(3) In the event that, upon delivery of the goods, the User wishes to refuse and not accept them, the costs of transport in both directions are at his expense.

Art. 20. The supplier provides the necessary service for the goods according to the provisions of section XIII. COMPLAINTS.

Art. 21. For cases not regulated in this section, the commercial sale rules defined in the Commercial Law, the Consumer Protection Law and the Law on the provision of digital content and digital services and on the sale of goods shall apply.



Art. 2 2. (1) The provider on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform takes measures to protect the User's personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

(2) For reasons of security of the Users' personal data, the Provider in the SHOPCHETA.COM platform will send the data only to the e- mail address that was specified by the Users at the time of registration.

(3) The Provider on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform has the right to store data in the end communication device of the User, unless the latter expressly expresses his disagreement to this.

(4) The User or the User agrees that the Provider of the SHOPCHETA.COM platform has the right to send electronic messages to the User or the User at any time, including a newsletter or offers for the purchase of goods, as long as the User or the User is registered in the electronic the Supplier's store on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

(5) The User or User agrees that the Provider of the SHOPCHETA.COM platform has the right to collect, store and process data on the behavior of the User or User when using the Provider's electronic store on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

(6) At no time does the Supplier retain data on credit and/or debit card(s) used by the User when purchasing goods from the SHOPCHETA.COM platform. The User has the opportunity to save the credit and/or debit card/cards data used by him when purchasing goods from the SHOPCHETA.COM platform, as the data for these credit and/or debit card/cards are not stored with the Provider, but keep only in the system of the banking institution that issued the process card. When saving a credit and/or debit card/cards, the User should use a 3D code when intending to use the saved card again for the purpose of purchasing from the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

Art. 23. (1) At any moment, the Provider on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform has the right to require the User to identify himself and certify the authenticity of each of the circumstances and personal data announced during registration.

(2) In the event that for some reason the User has forgotten or lost their username and password, the Provider of the SHOPCHETA.COM platform has the right to apply the announced "Procedure for lost or forgotten usernames and passwords".

(3) In case of deficiencies regarding the protection and processing of the User's personal data, a detailed description is available in the Privacy Policy of the SHOPCHETA.COM website.



Art. 24. (1) These general conditions may be amended by the Provider of the SHOPCHETA.COM platform, with the date of their last revision being recorded in Art. 38 of these General Terms and Conditions.

(2) The provider on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform and the User agree that any addition and amendment to these general terms and conditions will be effective against the User in one of the following cases:

  1. A) after their publication on the Supplier's website on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform and if the User, who has already accepted the previous revision, does not state within 14 days of their publication that he rejects them;
  2. B) with their explicit acceptance by the User through his profile on the Provider's website on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

Art. 25. The Supplier publishes these general terms and conditions at together with all additions and amendments to them.



Art. 26. These general terms and conditions and the User's contract with the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform are terminated in the following cases:

  • upon termination and declaration of liquidation or declaration of bankruptcy of one of the parties to the contract;
  • by mutual agreement of the parties in writing;
  • in case of objective inability of one of the parties to the contract to fulfill its obligations;
  • when the equipment is seized or sealed by state authorities;
  • in case of deletion of the User's registration on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform. In this case, the concluded but unexecuted purchase and sale contracts remain valid and enforceable;

Art. 27. The Supplier has the right at its discretion, without giving notice and without paying compensation, to unilaterally terminate the contract, in case it finds that the User is using the SHOPCHETA.COM platform in violation of these general conditions, the legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria, generally accepted moral norms or generally accepted rules and practice in electronic commerce.


Art. 28. The User undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the suppliers on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform and the Supplier from legal claims and other claims of third parties (whether justified or not), for all damages and costs (including attorney's fees and legal costs) arising out of or in connection with (1) failure to perform any of the obligations hereunder, (2) infringement of copyright, production, broadcasting or other intellectual or industrial property rights, (3) wrongful transfer of other persons of the rights granted to the User, for the term and under the terms of the contract and (4) falsely declaring the presence or absence of the quality of user within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act.

Art. 29. The provider is not responsible in case of force majeure, random events, Internet problems, technical or other objective reasons, including orders of the competent state authorities.

Art. 30. (1) The Provider is not responsible for damages caused by the User to third parties.

(2) The Provider is not responsible for property or non-property damages, expressed in lost profits or suffered damages, caused to the User in the process of using or not using SHOPCHETA.COM and concluding sales contracts with the Provider.

(3) The provider is not responsible for the time during which the platform was not available due to force majeure.

(4) The supplier is not responsible for damages from comments, opinions and publications under the products, news and articles on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform.

Art. 31. (1) The supplier is not responsible in case of overcoming the security measures of the technical equipment and this results in loss of information, dissemination of information, access to information, restriction of access to information and other similar consequences.

(2) The Supplier shall not be liable in the event of the conclusion of a contract for purchase and sale, provision of access to information, loss or change of data occurring as a result of false identification of a third party who presents himself as the User, if the circumstances can believes that this person is the User.



Art. 32. (1) The user has the right to make a complaint, and when making such a complaint, the complete set of documents (incl. receipt/invoice, receipt-handover protocol, warranty card, etc.), as well as the goods, should be sent to City of Sofia, " Manevo Bardo" St. No. 7, fl. 1, apartment 4.

(2) Transport costs when sending a product for warranty service are borne by Anahas EOOD, only on the condition that the product is sent from an office of the courier company Speedy to the address: Sofia, " Manevo Bardo" St. No. 7, fl. 1, app. 4.

(3) In the event that the product is sent for warranty service to an address other than that specified in Art. 32. (2) and/or is not sent by an office of the Speedy courier company , the transport costs will be borne by the User.

(4) The warranty is valid only for manufacturing defects and non-conformities existing during the delivery of the goods and appearing during normal operation, on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The warranty is void and the customer pays the cost of the repair (service may be refused) in cases of damage caused by:

- Improper use and/or improper storage.

- Violated integrity of warranty stickers.

- The product identification number (IMEI number), serial number or date code, if any, has been removed, erased, damaged or otherwise illegible .

- Drop, impact, applied pressure, spilled liquids.

- Attempted repair by unauthorized persons or companies.

- Use of chargers, batteries and peripherals other than those included in the kit.

- Malfunctions in the electrical network, incorrect connection to the power supply, extreme environmental conditions or rapid changes in these conditions, natural disasters and other force majeure circumstances.

(5) The supplier is responsible for any lack of conformity of the consumer goods with the sales contract, which exists when the goods are delivered and occurs up to two years after their delivery, according to the provisions of art. 31 of the Act on the provision of digital content and digital services and on the sale of goods. The supplier is liable according to the legal guarantee to persons having the status of user, in the sense of §6, item 6 of the Additional provisions of the Act on the provision of digital content and digital services and on the sale of goods - any natural person who, in connection with contracts for provision of digital content and digital services and contracts for the sale of goods acts outside the scope of his commercial or economic activity, trade or profession or in the sense of §13, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Additional Provisions of the Consumer Protection Act - any natural person who acquires goods or uses services that are not intended for carrying out a commercial or professional activity, and any natural person who, as a party to a contract within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, acts outside the scope of his commercial or professional activity activity.

(6) In the event of a claim on a hardware product – laptop, hard drive, computer, memory card, etc., the supplier is not responsible for lost data as a result of the repair performed. The user undertakes to make a copy of his/her data stored in the product submitted for a complaint by his/her own hand, before submitting the complaint.


Art. 33. (1) The User and the Supplier on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform undertake to protect each other's rights and legal interests, as well as to protect their trade secrets, which became their possession in the process of executing the contract and these general terms and conditions.

(2) The User and the Supplier undertake, during and after the expiration of the contract period, not to make public any written or oral correspondence between them. The publication of correspondence in print and electronic media, Internet forums, personal or public websites, etc. can be considered public domain.

Art. 34. In the event of a conflict between these general terms and conditions and provisions in a special contract between the Provider on the SHOPCHETA.COM platform and the User, the clauses of the special contract shall prevail.

Art. 35. The possible invalidity of any of the provisions of these general conditions will not lead to the invalidity of the entire contract.

Art. 36. The laws of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to matters not settled in this contract, related to the implementation and interpretation of this contract.

Art. 37. These general terms and conditions enter into force for all Users on 24.10.2023.

Art. 38 . Promo codes for discounts when purchasing products do not apply to goods that are already reduced, have another discount applied to them or have a TOP PRICE sticker, except for promo codes that are explicitly mentioned by the Supplier and are used for an additional discount . Discounts and promotions cannot be combined with each other, only the promotion with the greater discount applies.

Art. 39. Promo codes for discounts when purchasing products do not apply to goods that the User wishes to purchase on installment/lease, regardless of whether the relevant goods are already discounted or not.


Appendix No. 1 - Standard form for exercising the right to withdraw from the contract

Standard form for exercising the right to withdraw from the contract: 


(complete and send this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)


- To " Anahas " EOOD, EIK 205823722, EIK 202584463, with headquarters and management address: Sofia, p.k. 1303, Vazrazhdane district, "Antim I" street No. 61, floor 1, apartment 3 and address for correspondence: Sofia, " Manevo Bardo" St. №7, fl. 1, apartment 4:

– I/we hereby notify* that I/we renounce* the contract concluded by me/us* for the purchase of the following goods*/for the provision of the following service*

– Ordered on*/Received on*

– Name of the user/ s

– Address of the user/ s

– Signature of the user( s) (only if this form is on paper)

– Date

-------------------------------------------------- ----

* Unnecessary is crossed out.


Appendix No. 2 - Information on exercising the right to withdraw from the contract

Information on exercising the right to withdraw from the contract

Standard opt-out guidelines:

  1. Right to withdraw from the contract remotely or off-premises.
  2. You have the right to withdraw from this contract without giving reasons within 30 days.
  3. The cancellation period is 30 days from the date on which you or a third party, other than the carrier and indicated by you, took possession of the goods.

To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must notify us at the contact details provided on SHOPCHETA.COM and of your decision to withdraw from the contract with an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail).

You may use the attached standard opt-out form, but this is not required. You may also complete and submit electronically the standard opt-out form or other unambiguous opt-out application on our SHOPCHETA.COM website. If you use this option, we will immediately send you in a durable medium (for example, by e-mail) a message confirming receipt of the opt-out.

In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient to send your message regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

  1. Action of refusal.

If you cancel this contract, we will refund all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (except for additional costs associated with a delivery method chosen by you other than the cheapest standard delivery method, offered by us), without undue delay and in any case no later than 30 days from the date on which you inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out the refund under the terms of Art. 16 of these General Terms and Conditions.

We have the right to delay refunds until we receive the goods back or until you provide us with evidence that you have sent back the goods, whichever is the earlier.
You must bear the direct costs of returning the goods. Costs are expected to not exceed the approximate cost of delivery or standard courier service.

You are responsible for any reduction in the value of the goods as a result of testing them other than as necessary to establish their nature, characteristics and proper functioning.

  1. The right of refusal does not apply to the delivery of sealed goods that have been unsealed after delivery and cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection (such as earplugs, squishy toys , clothes , baby products, hair brushes, etc.), as well as in other cases described in the General Terms and Conditions.

For additional user information, see www.SHOPCHETA.COM