Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

 Privacy on the data is from special importance for us .

We strive everything web the page us Yes is comfortable and Yes contains possible thst _ information that _ would could Yes you interested . We care everything and for sure her use , for Yes you can Yes you are calm that _ personal you data and rights are protected .


Carrying out the activity si , " Anahas " EOOD , EIK 202584463, co headquarters and address on Management : city of Sofia, p.k. 1303, Vazrazhdane district, "Antim I" street No. 61, floor 1, apartment 3 , processes information , between which and one representing _ personal data . 

This one Internet page everything owns from " Anachas " Ltd and everything manages from The company in compliance with the regulations on The law for Protection on personal data and the related legal arrangement including , but no only Regulation ( EU ) 2016/679 ( " GDPR " ).

The present Politics there is for purpose Yes You informed for the way _ which we process Yours personal data in the quality you are on administrator , as and for Yours rights S se strive Yes You provided accessible and useful information on Internet the page you are

The defense on personal data is from exceptional importance for us . does not sells yours data on others companies or persons . If we provide Yours data on third persons , it this are ours performers who _ process the information from ours name , following the instructions us and applying ours standard for Protection on personal You data . We everything we strive Yes let's be maximum clear , concrete and transparent in the information regarding processing on personal You data which _ You we provide .


Personal data are each information related to with identified or subject to on identification physical person ( as electronic address , names , age , date on birth , phone and others ).

III. COLLECTION And USE ON PERSONAL DATA . collect , use , store and processes personal You data which _ are needed on The company for performance on provision on the services and the goods on The provision on these data is completely voluntarily . The data You serve for management on Yours profile in Internet the page us and management on Yours purchases . Also so they can Yes be used for statistically purposes which _ are connected with improvement the quality on the services us , as and marketing activities on

Below _ _ are listed examples for the species personal information that may _ Yes collects , as and for the ways , by who we can Yes her we use . Detailed information for the different ones kinds data which _ everything collect , will find , when you use relevant service on and you provide information on The company .

Everyone time when _ user open ours web page and the different ones menus in her , us we receive information under the form on informative protocol with the following content :

– the webpage which you is forwarded to us ;

– IP address ;

– date and duration on access ;

– the inquiry on the user ;

– the quantity on transferred data ;

– information for the browser and the operating room system which _ you use ;

- Geo location .


- For creation on profile in online the shop , for management on the access and identification on the profile You : two names and e- mail address ;

- For orders and / or contracts Yes delivery on goods : two names , e- mail address , telephone for contact , country , gender , address for delivery on ordered goods ;

- For subscription for " Newsletter " and others marketing activities : two names , phone for contact , inhabited place , address , e- mail address , number children , gender , names on children , born date on children , gender on children ;

- Pri registration in program for loyalty " " : two names , phone for contact , e- mail address , gender , date on birth , number children in family , country , city ;

- Pri query in the form for contact – name , e- mail address , telephone for contact ;

- For issue on invoice and processing her – the names Your address _ for invoice , address on delivery , electronic address , used means for payment , amount on the payment and product / and , date on the purchase . Possible is requirement and on personal data which _ are mandatory , according to the normative regulation ;


The main ones activities , goals and grounds which _ are connected with processing on personal data for are :

– Activities by management on the electronic one us shop ;

– Data for the goals on performance on made order from the electronic one shop on on reason the conclusion on contract ;

– Accounting and invoicing on the purchases and the electronic one shop on reason the legal us obligation for this ;

– Activities by management on Yours profile on Internet the page us _

– Data related _ with management on the access Vi ( identification ), of reason Yours given consent .

The personal one information that _ we collect , us allows Yes You we hold in flow regarding the newest _ us products and upcoming events . She us helps and Yes can be improved the services , the content and the ad us .

We use personal information because _ she us helps in development , delivery and the refinement on products , services , content and the ad us .

If you participate in events , competition or promotion , f possible Yes we use provided from You information about _ Yes we administer these programs .

IN addition , Yours data everything process from and for the goals on :

– Establishment on anomalies , complaints , related with products on, on reason the legitimate one interest ;

– Inquiries made _ to us , connected with products , of reason consent you ;



For Yes let's do the visits you on the page on possible most functional , we use t . Pomegranate _ " Cookies " .

Cookies or cookies _ _ are small ones textual files that _ everything memorize on yours hard disc .

Cookies are _ _ _ small ones files with information which _ everything keep in Yours Internet browser ( data for used language , time on link , visited Internet pages ) or hard disc at visit on the site . The written below _ _ there is for purpose Yes You gave  the necessary and comprehensive information for the cookies that uses on Internet the page you are We turn around attention on the fact that if you share the use on Yours device with others persons is possible Yes everything changes and customizations character on action on the cookies .


Internet the page uses cookies for Yes make it easier the navigation You . The following cookies everything use :

– Cookies , necessary for functioning on Yours search , which You they give opportunity Yes you use the main ones functionalities like management on market _ basket " and support possible identification You through the whole search ;

– Customizable cookies that _ You they give opportunity Yes you visit Internet the pages by personalized way according to the previous ones You visits , purchases and etc. _ They allow You Yes find faster _ _ the offers which the most _ You suit ;

– Advertising cookies that _ You allow Yes you receive offers from on Internet pages on external partners

You can Yes set up Internet the browser yes , yes that Yes no memorizes cookies or Yes delete the memorized ones already such . If you wish Yes everything you benefit from these functions please _ turn over everything to the manufacturer on Yours Internet browser . does not wears liability if _ Internet the browser which you use no supports the functions for control on use , refusal from memorization or deletion on memorized cookies . IN case that _ the prohibitions memorization on cookies or delete memorized already such in dependence from the species im , is possible Yes everything break functioning on the site .


Access You to social networks like Facebook , Google +, YouTube , Twitter and others such , foresees separate registration and acceptance on the general ones conditions on these sites . does not answers for the protection on personal You data at acceptance on these general conditions and in this one connection is necessary Yes everything get to know in detail with the general ones conditions on these sites .

VII.I. Facebook

This online application uses Social Plugins ( " Plugins " ) at the social network , which everything supports from Facebook Inc. , 1601 S. California Ave , Palo Alto , CA 94304, USA. ( " Facebook " ).

Plugins everything recognize by the logos on Facebook ( white " f " on son background or " raised up thumb “ ) or they happen  distinguished with Facebook _ Social Plugin " .

When come in in given web page , your browser immediately will do direct connection with the servers on Facebook . The content on this one Plugin will be delivered directly from Facebook to yours browser which _ will it connect with Internet the page . does not can Yes influences on the quantity data which _ Facebook collects with the help on these Plugins . That's why through the following link we you inform only for that which _ us is known .

Through the connection with these Plugins Facebook receives information that _ relevant ours Internet page or platform is was visited . If you are everything logged in in Facebook , Facebook can Yes calculate this visit to yours profile . If you are you interact with these  Plugins , e.g. _ press the button " I like " or write comment , relevant information immediately will be transferred from yours browser to Facebook and will be memorized there . If no you are registered in Facebook , again there is opportunity Facebook Yes understand your IP address and Yes it memorize .

These Plugins on Facebook they can Yes be attached from the operators on sites on own Internet pages or platforms . S one clicking on these Plugins registered in Facebook users they can automatically Yes leave message in theirs Facebook profile that _ they like the information from the links on the operator on the site . The connected one with Facebook Plugin you are communicate " current with Facebook and at visit on Internet the page sends the data on Facebook – even and if the user no is clicked on Plugins .

Through so the bride iFrame - link the browser charging except launched page and one additional smaller _ _ " page in the page “ , which contains the relevant Plugins . IN case on Plugin belonging to on Facebook this one iFrame - link or the output text comes out completely from Facebook and no can Yes be controlled or processed from

If the browser later _ _ again everything connect with the server on the social web , " cookie " everything transfer and can Yes help for the creation on profile . At users who _ everything register in consequence , too is possible connection with the information containing everything in " the cookie " .

If the user is logged in in the current one session in Facebook , yes transmits information as for the page , so and for " the cookie " – at this is possible this one information for identification on the session Yes be credited to the relevant account .

On us no us is famous the range on the data and the goals , for who them everything collect , as and how everything they use from Facebook . Regarding information for yours rights and opportunities for setting for Protection on yours personal details please _ Yes everything turn over to Facebook Inc. _ or Yes you follow the instructions for Protection on personal data on Facebook .

S Add-ons you can Yes block Facebook-Social-Plugins for yours browser , like you use for example Facebook _ Blocker " .

VII. II. Google Analytics :
This one website uses Google Analytics ( Google _ Analytics " ), service for web analysis offered _ from Google , Inc. ( " Google " ). Google Analytics uses t . Pomegranate _ cookies ( " cookies " ), representing textual files saved _ on yours computer , for Yes do possible the analysis on the use on the site from the users . The information for the use on this one site , acquired by means of cookies , usually it's fine transmitted and stored from Google on servers in USA . On this one site is enabled IP anonymization , due to which Google will delete partially the IP address on user in the member states on European union , as and in the others countries by The agreement for The European economic space . Only in exceptional cases the full IP address everything sends and deletes partially on servers in USA . Po assignment on the operator on this one website Google will uses this one information about _ Yes evaluate the use on site for _ compilation on reports for web - activities and provision on the operator on the site on others services related _ with the use on the site and the use on Internet to the site . Google there is no Yes binds the IP address sent from yours browser through Google Analytics , p others data stored _ from Google.

You can Yes prevent the record on cookies through relevant Settings on yours browser . We turn around you attention that _ if do this is _ possible Yes no you can Yes you use all functions on this one site .
Except this you can Yes prevent the collection on the data retrieved through the cookies and connected with the use on the site from you ( including and IP address ) from Google , as and processing on these data from Google , like download and install the finder everything on the following Internet address browser - plugin : . Please Yes you have given that _ the use on browser - plugin is limited to the relevant browser and the relevant computer and after the installation his no is possible Yes be deleted , s purpose saving on the deactivation on Google Analytics . The declaration for privacy on Google can Yes find on .

VII. III. Google AdWords

This one web site uses Google AdWords , a service for remarketing and behavioral targeting granted from Google . S this one service advertising activity on _ connects with advertising network AdWords by means of " cookies " ( see information for the cookies here ). does not identify and no collects data for the users by means of Google AdWords .


IN given cases can Yes reveals determined personal information in front of strategic partners – subcontractors who _ they work with us like provide products and services related _ with the activity on The company or they help on in marketing to the customers . The personal one information will be shared from us only with purpose refinement products , services and the ad us _ she there is no Yes be shared with third countries for theirs marketing aims .

For the cases , in that shares information for You with third persons – providers of, the Company there is mechanisms , p who guarantees that _ them provide level on Protection on the data according to arrangements standard for this . Yours data everything consider for confidential and for ours partners .

Possible is Yes everything imposed – by law , under judicial process , at judicial a dispute and / or by request from country on public and governmental organs in or outside Yours country on place of residence – yes revealed the personal You information . Possible is and Yes discoverable information for You if _ we establish that for the goals on the national one security , law enforcement or others problems from public significance , such disclosure is necessary or relevant .

Possible is and Yes discoverable information for You if _ we establish that such disclosure is justified necessary for the application on ours rules and conditions , or for Yes defensible their own activities or users . Except this , c case on reorganization , merger or sale is possible Yes transferable any and the whole collected personal information on relevant third country .

IX. TRANSFER IN THIRD COUNTRIES . does not transfer the data You in third countries outside EU like rule .

X. PROTECTION ON THE PERSONAL INFORMATION . takes protective measures – inclusive administrative , technical and physically measures – for Yes protect the personal You information from loss , theft and abuse , as and from unauthorized access , disclosure , change or destruction .

When you publish in forums , chat rooms or services on social networks , personal information that _ you share , yes visible for others users and can Yes be read , collected or used from them . You wear responsibility for the personal information that _ choose Yes provide in these cases .

All employees on are obliged Yes protect confidentiality on the information You , like and Yes observe applicable organizational and technically measures for the protection her _ Access on employees on to Yours data is limited to the degree required for doing on their obligations .

For the cases , in that shares information for You with third persons – providers of, the Company there is mechanisms , p who guarantees that _ them provide level on Protection on the data according to arrangements standard for this .


I will keep the personal You information for period required _ Yes be fulfilled the goals set forth in the current one Politics _ for Protection on personal data " , except if by law no everything requires Yes her keep for longer _ _ period . According to the species data and the goals , for who are collected , is determined term for storage , s the leakage on which the information everything deletes definitively .


If you are provided Yours personal data on , You you have with the following opportunities by every time :

– yes check accuracy , completeness and the actuality on the information You for contact , as come in in Yours profile in Internet the page on;

– right on access to personal You data processed _ from;

– right Yes you want the performance on appropriate correction , deletion or blocking on personal You data ;

– right on portability on the data in structured , broad used and tailored for mechanically reading format ;

– the law Yes you object by every time vs processing on personal You data when _ there is legal grounds for this ;

– right Yes refuse processing on personal You data for the goals on receiving on electronic newsletter and others marketing communications and etc .;

– right on complaint to Commission for Protection on personal data , if you consider that are violated Yours rights for Protection on the data .

If you want Yes exercise the rights you are or Yes the statements refusal from receiving on the electronic one newsletter and others marketing communications , can Yes everything connect with us on email :

We can Yes refuse Yes we process requests , which everything repeat unfounded , demand disproportionate technically efforts , endanger confidentiality on others users , requests , which are extremely impractical or to who by law , no everything requires access .

The exercise on Yours rights when _ them no are repetitive everything and groundless , no is bound with payment on fee .


No we collect personal information from children on age under 16 years of age . If learn that _ we are collected personal information on kid on age under 16 , yes _ undertake steps , for Yes erasable the information possible as soon as possible . If parents and / or legal representatives on children discover that _ children under theirs guardianship are whether the data you are on, connect everything with us and we will erasable the information in the shortest _ term .


Possible is periodically Yes we are updating his own Politics _ for Protection on personal data " . At change in the current one policy , of web the site us will be published message , as and the updated one Politics _ for Protection on personal data " .

XV. Data for contact .

If you wish Yes us set questions related _ with the current one politics or the protection on personal data on please connect everything with us on address :

XVI. Controlling organ .

Commission for Protection on personal data

city _ Sofia 1592 , Blvd. Prof. _ _ Tsvetan Lazarov " No. 2
For reference by acted complaints , signals and questions 02/91-53-519
fax 02/91-53-525